Reamde Neal Stephenson
A 1000-page novel about terrorists, a virus infecting an MMORPG, and the many characters who get involved tracking both as they converge. Disappointingly slim characterizations, especially in a novel of this length, and far too much unimportant detail. But it reads well, and I was interested. Clumsy ending as if the editor finally said, “that’s enough, wrap it up.” Enjoyed it, but I wish it hadn’t cost $35.
The Kirtland Economy Revisited: A Market Critique of Sectarian Economics Marvin S. Hill, C. Keith Rooker, and Larry T. Wimmer
An outstanding monograph covering the failure of the Kirtland Safety Society Anti-banking Company that caused so many problems in Mormon Kirtland and undermined Joseph Smith’s role as prophet. While it is extremely scholarly, well-reasoned, and very thorough, it is also a little too apologetic of Joseph, but extremely valuable historically nonetheless.
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