Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Love-Charm of Bombs: Restless Lives in the Second World War   Lara Feigel
Disappointing account of five literary figures in London during World War II. The writing is good, the exhaustive research and insights of connections between the writers’ lives and their fiction are well-done, but it’s never more than just these individuals. Somehow, the book feels trivial, and I don’t feel like I’ve really learned anything. Too bad.

All That Is   James Salter
Salter’s latest novel composed of snapshots of 40 years from World War II to the early 80s. Exquisite prose, perfectly constructed sentences and narrative that somehow captures the mundane, lovely, surprising, and heartbreaking truth of human existence in this one life. This is what a novel should be. Really sad it ended. What could I possibly read now?