Monday, December 26, 2011

A Man of Parts   David Lodge
Wonderful biographical novel about H. G. Wells’ last days from the point of view of the many women in his life. Once again, Lodge’s prose is clean and light. Wells has interested me for decades, and I loved this enjoyable way to learn more about him. Really liked it.

Zero Day   Mark Russinovich
Very bad “novel” about cyberterrorism that reads much more like a white paper. Lifeless prose, pale, uninteresting characters, and a clumsy plot. Complete waste of time. Too bad.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Great Leader   Jim Harrison
Harrison’s latest novel about a Michigan State policeman who tracks a cult leader who molests girls while trying to transition to retirement. Insights I really enjoyed about life, American History, relationships, manhood, womanhood, and “sex, money, and religion.” Really, really enjoyed it. Wish it hadn’t ended.

Worm: The First Digital World War   Mark Bowden
Book about the Conficker worm and the ad hoc team of computer scientists that tried to stop it. Interesting even though Bowden seemed like a dog circling endlessly the spot where he wants to finally lie down. His style is fine, but could have been better organized. Only learned a few things because he had to write to a less technical audience.