Potsdam Station David Downing
Latest installment in the John Russell novels about the British journalist in Germany during the Nazi period. This one covers Russell getting back into Berlin to find Effi and his son as the war comes to an end. Very interesting and enjoyable, and surprisingly, a fairly good ending. Can’t wait for the next one.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Typhoon Charles Cumming
Very engaging and enjoyable spy novel about CIA and MI6 operations in Hong Kong at the time of the turnover and in Shanghai in 2004. Interesting relationships and an absence of James Bond-like hyperbole. Seemed realistic. Good read.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
The Peopling of British North America: An Introduction Bernard Bailyn
Beautifully written, incredibly informative overview of who came to North America in the 17th and 18th centuries, the nature of their lives here, and the peculiar culture that developed into America. Couldn’t put it down. Easily one of the best history books I have ever read.
The Trinity Six Charles Cumming
Very entertaining spy novel about an English professor of Russian Studies whose research gets him involved with British and Russian spies trying to cover up cold war treasons. A little light, but enjoyed the plot and the characters quite a bit.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Anathem Neal Stephenson
Neal Stephenson science fiction novel, just short of 1,000 pages, about a planet in an alternate cosmos. He creates a whole new vocabulary that requires a detailed list in the back of the book. Once I broke through the language barrier, I couldn’t put it down. Didn’t want it to end, so I dragged it out. Really enjoyed it. Up there with Cryptonomicon for favorite Stephenson novel. I’m going to miss being able to live in that world with those people.